Deprecated Prizm Content Connect
How to Set Up Proxy Server Service to use SSL for REST API Requests

Use the following steps to set up Proxy Server Service to use SSL for REST API:

  1. Modify
    1. stop Prizm Proxy Server service using Windows Services management tool
    2. open in a text editor and set
    3. save and close
  2. Modify prizmconfig.xml in your sample root folder and set
    1. open prizmconfig.xml in XML editor or text editor and set
  3. Start Prizm Proxy Server service using Windows Services management tool
  4. Check logs at <prizm-install>\logs\proxyserver.log

SSL mode is denoted in proxyserver.log at initialization phase, e.g..:

INFO | jvm 1 | 2012/09/10 08:00:26 | http server ssl enabled : true
INFO | jvm 1 | 2012/09/10 08:00:26 | http server ssl keystore : C:/Prizm/bin/proxyserver_ssc.jks
INFO | jvm 1 | 2012/09/10 08:00:26 | http server ssl password : ****************
INFO | jvm 1 | 2012/09/10 08:00:38 | [ info ] [https-server] starting...
INFO | jvm 1 | 2012/09/10 08:00:38 | [ info ] [https-server] adding to the pool: worker-0
INFO | jvm 1 | 2012/09/10 08:00:39 | [ info ] [https-server] binded to: ssl socket,host=localhost,port=18680

[https-server] with each client request, similar to this:
INFO | jvm 1 | 20012/09/10 08:00:56 | [ info ] [https-server] [worker-0] handling client request

Performing REST API calls in SSL Mode

After enabling SSL it is necessary to call REST API using HTTPS protocol, e.g.:

Command line API

java -jar cconvert2swfclient.jar proxyserver=https://localhost:18680 source=c:\temp\sample.doc



What is proxyserver_ssc.jks?

This file is called keystore. It is necessary for SSL handshake phase and data encryption.

proxyserver_ssc.jks contains self-signed certificate that is intended to be used in trusted environments (difficult to tamper), such as localhost or intranets.

It can be located in <prizm-install>\bin\ folder.

To print the content of the keystore you may use following command:

keytool -list -v -keystore <prizm-install>\bin\proxyserver_ssc.jks -storepass "password" 

The location of the keystore file and keystore password is defined in file:

# http SSL keystore file path
# http SSL keystore password




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